On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate

“On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate”

Psalm 145:5

With today’s social media reach, the geographical location of a customer who needs our services doesn’t surprise me. The beauty of the area may leave me silent on the next stanza, but the consistency of its stunning views commands an awe that is completely predictable.

What does leave me in a state of shock is how available and ready my God is willing to meet me in that place. Whether it’s a limitless horizon with no oasis in sight or a sunrise that belongs in a museum far from home on the canvas of a Monet, I’m thankful for these moments of bewilderment to reflect and hear the angels sing in the middle of the surrounding hustle.

The grandeur of my Adonai and his locations for providing daily bread are beyond beautiful if left in His time to reveal. How often the Messiah shows up in my neck of the woods, bringing daily psalms and hymns as I question my prayers of significance and repetition, evoke how unfazed and uninterrupted He is to remain present and walk with me near streams of living water.

Obedience comes before the understanding and jumping from the cliff follows the call before an ounce of meat lands on the dinner table. Hoping and trusting in my Redeemer is the journey and I’m thankful for these moments of seclusion, off the beaten path, and away from the confinement of this world’s troubles. It is here that my Savior of the world shows up with splendor to spare.

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